To install a quickplace realm you will need to edit a few files on your tomcat server

To install a quickplace realm you will need to edit a few files on your tomcat server.


  1. Add the qprealm.jar and ncso.jar file to the server\lib directory

(e.g.  c:\\tomcat\5.5\server\lib\) You can obtain the qprealm.jar from this site and ncso.jar from your domino release. Ensure you use 7.0 as there is a diiop but in earlier versions related to class visibility.

2. Edit your projects web.xml to specify which pages are anonymous and which are secured. Once good way is to make all secure and make certain available for anonymous.




                  <description>Public resources</description>

















      <!-- All other resources are for administrative users only -->




                  <description>Secured pages of the admin site</description>























          <description>Manager Role</description>



  1. Edit your projects context.xml (or your context in the server.xml) to include the realm configuration with your server’s details.

      <Realm className="com.projectlounge.realm.QuickPlaceRealm" debug="99"

      userName="username" password="password" serverName="" />

      <Valve            className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator"

            disableProxyCaching="false" />

  1. Add a login.jsp form that has a form which has the same affect as:

<form name="loginForm" method="POST" action="<c:url value="/j_security_check" /> ">


<legend>Login Details</legend>



<input type="text" name="username">



<label>QuickPlace name:</label>

<input type="text" name="placename">




<input type="password"name="j_password">


<input type="hidden" name="j_username" />

<input onClick="document.all.j_username.value = document.all.username.value + '@' +

document.all.placename.value;this.form.submit();" type="submit" value="login" />



(notice how the username and placename is concatenated into username@placename – this allows us to know which quickplace to lookup)


4. Add the login-fail.jsp as you like (if you want to allow people to retry, make sure it also includes this form from 3)







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